Wheel of the Year - Myth Tellings

Wheel of the Year - Myth Tellings


The full set of the 8 Goddess Myth Tellings of the Wheel of the Year.

Take a journey into the unravelling of myth and bring fresh insights and perspectives to your understanding to each of the holy day portals of the Wheel of the Year and how they intimately apply inside of you. Each Myth Telling touches on individual Goddess or an aspect of the Sacred Feminine as you are taken deeper into Her Mystery.

In this complete package you will receive a Myth Telling recording plus a Reflection Ritual Worksheet, (which includes a contemplative doodle page) for each of the holy days - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice and Lammas. When you purchase this package you will receive an email with a link to a page on this website with all the materials available to download immediately. Or you can choose to keep revisiting the page each holy day.

Carve out a quiet space for yourself to tune into the myth unravelling. Print out the worksheet that goes with the Myth Telling and take a moment to reflect as a supportive devotional activity and practice.

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When you purchase this package you will receive an email with a link to a page on this website with all the materials available to download immediately. Or you can choose to keep revisiting the page each holy day. You have lifetime access which means as long as the product is still available for purchase your page link will work.